The Importance Of Marketing In A National Crisis Like COVID-19

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is an unprecedented situation. For consumers and businesses alike. We are all focused on stopping the spread, social distancing, flattening the curve, proper hand washing, hand sanitizer, and even toilet paper being out of stock everywhere. But in addition to personal concerns, businesses face professional concerns. Particularly small business owners.

During this crisis, businesses may be wondering how COVID-19 will impact business (or even temporarily shut it down). With financial stresses, businesses may wonder how they should market and advertise at a time like this. Or if they should even continue marketing or advertising efforts at all.

As digital experts, we can tell you it’s actually a critical time to continue your brand’s marketing efforts. Why? Media usage is up drastically. People are indoors at home and spending more time online than ever! Therefore, this is a time to focus on digital marketing! Think social media marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), email marketing, Google advertising, and all those targeted ways to reach your audience online.

Businesses who continue marketing during a crisis like this will stay in their customer’s mind, now and when this crisis has passed. A definite edge over the competition. Alternatively, businesses who stop or pause marketing efforts miss out on the opportunity to set themselves apart.

Now is not the time to stop marketing efforts, it’s the time to be even more strategic! Here is some advice:

  1. Focus on SOCIAL MEDIA: With everyone online and constantly scrolling right now, it’s imperative your business is present to reach and engage with customers. What can you do to entertain them but provide future value for your business?
  2. A time for HUMANITY: Remember to empathize and maintain sensitivity in all of your messaging at this time. Be respectful of your audience and the updates on COVID-19 globally and in local communities. Showing humanity as a brand can earn the respect and loyalty of your audience.
  3. DON’T GHOST: Even if you must decrease your advertising budget or post less, don’t ghost your audience! Whether your business is remaining open or temporarily shut down, it’s still important to keep an active online presence. Followers who are used to consistent content from your page will lose interest and unfollow if you disappear.
  4. Use RELEVANT #HASHTAGS: Increase your brand’s social media reach with current hashtags. Relevant COVID-19 hashtags include #StopTheSpread #SocialDistancing #WashYourHands #StayAtHome.

Bella Media is here for our clients during this uncertain time. If you need help with your marketing strategy or content during this crisis, please contact us.

We craft beautiful marketing and digital content that grow businesses and help them connect with their clients online and offline. We offer you creative, affordable and efficient ways to increase your online presence on all Social Media platforms.

Feel free to contact us by emailing or calling 503-683-3899.


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